Aloha Hipsters, that's hipster for hello. Today I'm writing from my iPhone and although I am deeply disturbed that the font is not helvetica, I am pushing myself to deliver you an awesomly hipster post regardless of my lack of proper Internet.
First of all what kind of hipster would I be if I didn't have an iPhone? I don't see myself as a conformist at all. And why is that? Because I totally had an iPhone before my friends did! And this brings me to the topic of this weeks Hipster How To: How to one up your mates when they have cooler stuff before you.
We here at
The Hipster Committee are all about being on top of the latest trends. And what happens if we aren't? Well let's just say we have them taken care of... No, I joke, I joke. We one up them! Take Mario for example, when Bowser has his woman, he one up's and destroys a bitch! But in reality what we like to do is say "yeah I've totally heard of that non-descript band ages ago bro." Or, if they have a 1970's retro Polaroid camera, you buy a 1960's retro Polaroid camera and brag the crap out of life!
Now this is a guaranteed way of beating all of your friends to becoming a better hipster than them. So as long as you continue to out hipster everyone, you will be satisfied in knowing that you, yes you, are hipster as all fuck. Enjoy your week hipsters!
The Hipster Committee